Set-up Naïo in three simple steps
Just three steps "...and it can even be more simple: When you already take the GPS receiver with you when doing the planting or sowing job on the field"

Remove weeds eco-friendly with the Naïo Dino robot. An advanced machine, that you can easily put to work on a new field with these 3 steps. How do you set-up the Naio Dino robot?
Step 1 - You take a robot
Step 2 - You measure a starting point and an end point on the simple phone-app, after which you also indicate how wide your field is. What you have entered in the app, is automatically processed in a task card for your field.
Step 3 – You can download the automatically generated task card on your computer and put it on your Dino with a USB stick. And drive away!
You have now put a machine to work that can help you to hoe weeds in an organic field. A high-tech machine with a corrected GPS signal, automatically generated tasks and a camera that provides even more precise steering. Generating task cards is an included service.
And it can be even easier: At the beginning of the growing season, when planting or sowing, put the GPS receiver already on the planting or sowing machine to measure the path. In this way, triangle- shape and other deviations are also fully taken into account.