Farming robots to help you grow pumpkins 🎃
When to consider agriculture robots for your pumpkins?
With a large distance in between, pumpkins are an easy crop in the early stage to take care off. And you can make this even easier by sowing it in a grid. How robots can help?
Weeding in pumpkins needs several repetition, which can be done by robots. Additionally, if you weed in a grid, you'll be driving two times over the field with the tractor. You can save a significant amount of time by performing this weeding by a robot.
Another clear case, is sowing the pumpkins by robot. The sowing of pumpkins with an agriculture robot is also possible in a grid. For example the Dutch company Doorgrond is using an Agrointelli Robotti with an Kverneland Optima planter to sow the pumpkins in a grid on the field.

How you benefit from robots at pumpkins?
Agriculture robots for pumpkins can be essential to increase time efficiency. And even it may feel not huge, you may already not be that far of from full automation today.
If you're sowing or weeding in a grid with an automatic steering (not driving) tractor on RTK GPS and perhaps a camera correction system on the hoe, you're key task will be monitoring and turning at the headland.
If a robot is turning at the headland and monitoring can be done into a large degree from a distance, does this already sound like a small step to adopt an agriculture robot to you?
On top, preparing the soil for sowing the pumpkins can be done by robots also.