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With already many OZ machines operating in Europe (appox. 150 in 2021), this is not just the 'smaller brother of the DINO. Form ducksize's perspective, this is agriculture robots is really the subtype 'co-bot'. It can work allong with you on the 'small' fields when you're around. Taking away some work, while it's very easy to start.... the dimensions are really close to ducksize


Three ways to use

The OZ agricultural robot operate in three ways: 

  1. Robot in autonomous operations. The Naïo Oz can contionously drive through the field to perform - for example - weeding. 
  2. Co-bot in follow-me operations. If you move, the robot moves. So here the Naïo OZ can help you to carry your picked fruits and vegetables. Or it can suplly you with heavy equipment and material. Pulling up to 300kg. 
  3. Remote controller operations. Just tell where you'd like the robot to go by steering at Naio OZ's remote control. 


Key insights

  • Maximum driving speed of 1.5km/h
  • Each wheel has it's on 24V engine: 4 x 110W power (note: This may seem very low... 440W is ± 0.5pk ... but DON't jump to fast to conclusions here, it's impressive to see the different heavy tools and trailers it can operate with
  • Operational weight is around 150kg, depending on the tooling
  • Steering on RTK GPS
  • Dimensions 130cm long x 47cm wide x 83cm high
  • Autonomie of approx. 7 hours 
  • Fully electrical



Three hours of training are required by Naïo in order to operate the OZ.


Turning at headlands

What this movie to see how the Naïo Oz autonomously turns on headlands


Set-up in new field

The set-up of the Naïo Oz can be compared to the set-up of the Naïo Dino. Here you can find the easy 3 steps that are needed to make the robot work on a new field. 

Naïo | Oz

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