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Aigro UP is an agriculture robot that assists you with weeding and mowing. Aigro UP focuses on tasks that are realistic to automate, but highly time consuming right now.


The robotic vehicle is a narrow machine, so it can navigate to orchards easily. In addition, the robot uses sensors which allow for continuous motion across terrains that would need other vehicles to stop and operate only in specific locations on their route. This is realized by not only relying on RTK GPS, but by making use of a set of smart sensors. 


Aigro UP is an electrical power robot that can run up to 10 hours on a single charge.  It has 2 swapable battery packs. The purpose of this powerful device is for ease-of-use, allowing anyone who works on the farm daily operations without any hassle or inconvenience.


Price of the Aigro robot is between €25.000 and €30.000 euro, depending on the options. 

Aigro UP

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