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AVL robot harvests asparagus delicately 

Harvest big fields asparagus selectively

Asparagus are not only a seasonal product, within the seasonal harvesting period there are multiple rounds needed to harvest each asparagus exactly on the right time and in a very delicate manner. So far, this has been done by intensive labour activity: 20 kg asparagus per person per hour, roughly 300 spears.  


AVL Motion now developed the AVL compact S9000 robot to harvest asparagus. The machine has a maximum capacity of harvesting 9000 asparagus per hour. It is operated by one person.


Harvesting asparagus with AVL goes beyond capacity. It's an integrated approach towards cultivation of asparagus. For example, this AVL robot approach removes the climate regulating foil only a few seconds. With a manual approach, the entire climate regulating foil per bed will be lifted and may impacting quality. 

AVL robot at work, harvesting asparagus.

Robot determines exact plant location

Although the end-product may look simple, 'just' some white asparagus in a box, the harvesting process is very delicate. Wether is manual or by machine, it's millimeter precision with the right tool to cut. 


With image recognition and patented (or patent pending) harvesting modules, the AVL compact S9000 robot is able to identify the location. After this, software assigns one of the twelve harvest modules in the 'harvesting train'. The module is the actuator to cut, without damaging other, the asparagus. 


Once cutted, the asparagus will be transported up to the operator level. Here, the sensitive asparagus will be put in boxes by the operator. 

Robot is lifting foil from asparagus and making pictures with advance vison technology

Highly advanced robot, simple operations

This robot is adapting to asparagus and adapting to the field. It's showing a harmony of highly advanced mechanical, electric, pneumatic and software technology. This robot needs (and has) an entire team to be designed and build. 


This same team, has created the robot in such a way that for operations in the field only one person can do the job. And it's not needed to be an engineer. In fact, it can be one of the persons who is currently in the field doing manual harvest of asparagus. 


Operations of the robots is handled by only a few buttons. At the robot itself a screen is mounted, to indicate performance and possible disruption information. Additionally, there is a remote control with simple arrow indications to move the AVL compact S9000 robot from one row to another. 

Robot operator the AVL robot is putting the harvested asparagus in boxes

Manual actions in the field: Highly reduced

Only thre manual actions exist:

  1. Turning from row to row

  2. Foil has to be placed 'in' the AVL robot

  3. Asparagus are manually putted in boxes  


The remote control is used to navigate the robot to another row.


For placing the foil in the AVL robot dedicated mount, the movie shows the time needed. It is inevitable that action will have to be taken with the foil. Especially if harvesting is still done by traditional, manual methods. Then perhaps even more, because it is now put back properly under the watchful eye of the operator.


For manually putting asparagus in boxes, the operator has more than enough time to do is. Meanwhile he or she is also checking quality and keeping an eye on the entire machine. 

Robot harvesting unit, delicate output of asparagus
Droneshot van AVL oogstrobot in een groot veld van asperge rijen
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