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About ducksize

"Grow food production, by smaller machinery" 

Agricultural large size harvesting machinery, in contrast to robots

Vision: From size XL to XS

You eat. You eat thanks to evolution from hunting to man- or animal-powered field farming, to tractors and agriculture machinery. Today, a singel farmer can harvest thousands of kilos per hour. But this kind of machinery is designed for uniform fields and does impact the soil. Ten elephants are less heavy than a sugar beet harvester. Therefore, ample of room for further evolution to create more efficient and ecological friendly approach. 

New technology enable 'ducksize' robots

And why would technology trends bypass agriculture? Plant specific 'big data', recognition of diseases by 'artificial intelligence' and 'automated' operations. More can be harvested per square meter, in a more ecological way.

Within this new dimension, technologies enable a friendly disruptive approach by unmanned and ultralight small vehicles ...Let's image for now, vehicles at ducksize. Don't worry if it can do the job, did you every see a duck operating alone?

About the company

This website is one of the initiatives of ducksize. The company ducksize is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands with the reference 77249003. The company ducksize is providing specialist business services. 


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Ducksize is initiated to contribute towards a more sustainable agriculture. Having this objective in mind, the way towards to get to this objective with ducksize is by taking social responsibility. In practice you can think of clients and suppliers with diversity, equity and inclusion in mind. And you can think of adapting the way of transportations: From actions that are taken to have the office location central at a bike-distance, near to public transport - up to an update on the fleet emission from EUR5 to EUR6 (note: because of using the bike often- the fleet driven kilometers are low and this seem to give negative advice to invest in EV, due to current intensive means to produce).

Obviously, the mentions above are only small examples, to show the participation and the mindset of ducksize as a corporate organization. Making investments and embracing corporate social responsibility in daily routine. On any questions, please do contact ducksize or if you’d like to know more about what other Dutch frontrunner companies do about CSR visit ‘MVO Nederland’.  

Why creating the website

Knowledge sharing. It's that simple. 


Being interested in the agriculture robots, the creation of website on some fundamentals is a great way to capture it.  And let's for sure not exaggerate: This website can capture some basic and preliminary information about the robots. However, matching the agriculture technology to the specific needs of each unique farm ... that cannot nailed down on a website. If you have such a question, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm curious to understand ongoing challenges on this topic and can forward you to someone in my network (or perhaps I can help you straight-away).   

From the author

I'm Corné Rispens, the founder of ducksize in The Netherlands. The website is a result of two big passions and the daily news: 

  1. Agriculture, where I've been raised.

  2. Technology, where I've my career. See my LinkedIN.

  3. Daily news, about global population growth and climate impact 


Looking to global industry trends, I've no doubt on a significant increase in AgTech and specifically these 'autonomous robotic tractors'. In order to help us, on e.g. weeding but also on activities that we do not foresee yet for this smaller machinery. The smaller machinery will help us to meet growing demand for more and more sustainable food production.


On any questions or suggestion you may have, I would be glad get in contact. You can use the contact form below. 




Corné Rispens


Drop a message below or

contact me via LinkedIN

Corné Rispens driving
  • LinkedIn

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Is one of the best agriculture robots missing? 

Please do reach out via the contact form below. 

How to get in contact?  

I would be happy to get in touch! Please use the form below, my e-mail is not on the website, just to avoid spam. 

Thanks for your message - you can expect an answer within a day.

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